Primary/secondary education

© Umweltbundesamt/B. Gröger
School teaching
- More intensive implementation of green chemistry topics in already existing lessons
- Integration of projects in the elective subject of chemistry at upper secondary level
- Creation of more assignments for the Chemistry Olympiad at all competition levels
- Special prize for school leavers for the Best Environmental Chemistry Paper.
Journals, magazines and teaching materials
- “Chemie & Schule” journal of the Association of Chemistry Teachers in Austria
- “Plus Lucis” journal of the Association for the Promotion of Physics and Chemistry Education
- “Molecool-Lino” and “Molecool” magazines of the Association of Austrian Chemistry Teachers for primary and lower secondary school pupils
- “Leo” teaching materials for primary pupils from the Austrian Educational Competence Centre Chemistry; possible extension of existing areas of focus to include issues around green chemistry.