Expert Dialogue on Green Chemistry
The Expert Dialogue provides a forum for networking and alignment for the exchange of knowledge between scientists, educators, public administration, chemical industry, stakeholder representatives and civil society.

The aim is to increase the visibility of green chemistry as a comprehensive, integrative approach to finding solutions. The Expert Dialogue is intended to help build bridges between these interest groups, address future topics within green chemistry, encourage opinion-forming and identify options for action. In view of the societal importance of sustainable resource consumption, the Expert Dialogue on Green Chemistry aims to contribute to responsible and innovative action in the chemical sector.
The Expert Dialogue is held approximately every six months by the Environment Agency Austria and the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology as part of the “Dialogue for Change”. The purpose of the Dialogue for Change is to promote networking and knowledge exchange, discuss future issues and support opinion formation. Within the framework of the Expert Dialogue, which takes place publicly with a wide group of participants, relevant experts provide information in the form of presentations and discussions. This type of dialogue offers experts and citizens the opportunity to voice their concerns, wishes and ideas and to help shape green chemistry in Austria.