Further education

Further education
Green Chemistry Change Manager - GCCM
The EU's Green Deal with the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability see "Green Chemistry" as a central building block for a pollution-free and sustainable future. Both smaller enterprises and large industrial companies are therefore faced with challenges but also extensive opportunities. The fact that in recent years numerous countries around the world have introduced stricter legislation aimed at replacing problematic chemicals as far as possible has a reinforcing effect. A harmonization of the worldwide regulations for chemicals is being discussed, but is still a long way off.
One of the most pressing challenges is therefore the availability of qualified employees who understand and can keep an eye on the rapidly changing regulatory environment of chemicals. Foresight, a thorough understanding of supply chains and the complexities of chemical impacts are essential. But urgent social challenges, such as gender equality, must also be considered.
Efficiently understanding and bundling all of these tasks is the goal of the Green Chemistry Change Manager (GCCM) course. It was developed as a practice-oriented employee qualification under the direction of the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection and the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs and will start in the second half of 2022.
For more information on the GCCM course, visit the Green-Chemistry Academy website: Green-Chemistry Academy.
Continuing professional development opportunities
- Biannual Congress, Chemistry Days and Summer School of the Association of Austrian Chemistry Teachers (VCÖ)
- Annual Plus Lucis continuing professional development week organised by the Association for the Promotion of Physics and Chemistry Education (VFPC)
- Continuing professional development programmes run by university colleges of teacher education.