The Platform Green Chemistry is an operational body that develops the national Green Chemistry Work Programme and drives its implementation. It also advises the Minister for Climate Action.

In order to increase the visibility of green chemistry as a comprehensive, integrative approach towards finding solutions and to support its implementation, the Platform Green Chemistry was founded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology in close cooperation with the Environment Agency Austria on 24 June 2020.
The Platform is responsible for the development and implementation of the National Green Chemistry Work Programme, which is part of the Austrian Government Programme. The Work Programme was developed during the course of the first Expert Dialogue meetings and in subsequent discussions. As an operational body, the Platform will coordinate the implementation of the measures and work packages in the Green Chemistry Work Programme. This is to take place in working groups set up by the Platform specifically for this purpose. The Platform is also to advise the Minister for Climate Action on various key topics, approve position papers and prepare relevant proposals for measures for the Federal Government. In so doing, it should involve as many sectors and areas of interested and affected persons and institutions as possible.
Members and meetings
The members of the Platform comprise experts and interested persons from the following interest groups: scientists, educators, chemical industry, public administration and NGOs involved in consumer affairs and environmental protection. This broad spectrum of stakeholders makes up a formally established expert group in which topics for discussion and decision are prepared by working groups and voted on in plenary sessions. Where necessary, recourse is also made to external expertise.
In contrast to the Expert Dialogue on Green Chemistry, the Platform Green Chemistry meets on a small scale to enable various expert opinions to be brought together in discussions and decisions to be made efficiently.
The working arrangements of the Platform are governed by the Rules of Procedure adopted by the Platform.
Definition of the term "Green Chemistry"
The Austrian Platform of Green Chemistry has concluded on an Austrian definition of the term "Green Chemistry" that reflects the Austrian initiatives. The outcome of the definition-making process is presented in the document Defiition of Green Chemistry.
Dokumentary on Green Chemistry in Austria
The Austrian platform on Green Chemistry created a documentry on Green Chemistry in Austria. This documentary is available on YouTube.
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