Aims of the Platform
The task of the Platform Green Chemistry is to initiate, support and drive forward the projects and goals of green chemistry in Austria.

The key focus is on the Work Programme, which is continuously developed in the Expert Dialogue and Platform meetings. A further aim of the Platform is to promote in-depth discussion among members/experts regarding all areas of green chemistry. In addition, the discussions are intended to develop solutions for the chemical sector that make sense from a technical point of view and are politically feasible. The aims of the Green Chemistry Platform are defined in the Rules of Procedure.
Aims of green chemistry in Austria
1. Networking within and between research, education, industry, stakeholder representatives and public administration
2. Promote green chemistry
3. Strengthening green chemistry in the following areas:
3.1. Establish Austria as a tertiary education location for green chemistry
3.2. Introducing green chemistry more strongly at secondary education level
3.3. Promoting research in the field of green chemistry
3.4. Expanding the role of green chemistry in chemical industry
4. Developing assessment criteria (metrics) for green chemistry